
Having some issues at work grr // venty/asking for advice

Hi I have literally no idea what to do All of my coworkers and higher ups are really nice, as is the person who does scheduling, but I told this person that I need 25-40 hours a week because I'm working minimum wage (btw the job app did not say this. It said I think $14 an hour, my old boss assured me it would go up after the starting period, but it's been months so) and am trying to go to college and move out. I work super hard, have gotten used to everything that goes on very very quickly, and honestly like I feel like I'm a pretty good employee?? I'm one of the youngest people there (18yo) and I work just as hard as my peers. I got scheduled for 14 hours this week (it's been a month or two since I asked for more hours), and…

Hi I have literally no idea what to do
All of my coworkers and higher ups are really nice, as is the person who does scheduling, but I told this person that I need 25-40 hours a week because I'm working minimum wage (btw the job app did not say this. It said I think $14 an hour, my old boss assured me it would go up after the starting period, but it's been months so) and am trying to go to college and move out. I work super hard, have gotten used to everything that goes on very very quickly, and honestly like I feel like I'm a pretty good employee?? I'm one of the youngest people there (18yo) and I work just as hard as my peers.
I got scheduled for 14 hours this week (it's been a month or two since I asked for more hours), and 12 next week. I've also been scheduled for times that I specifically said I prefer not doing. They keep hiring a bunch of people and giving everyone but the managers less hours and I am Very noticing it and I don't know what to do. I have terrible anxiety so looking for jobs and asking for specific things at work is hard enough, do you think it'll get better after summer?? Like I ajdbjd I have no idea what to do in this situation. Should I ask for more hours again? Would the scheduling person get mad????
I'm sorry if this is weird I'm just like. I got $200 last pay period (two weeks) and that is not NEARLY enough. I'm willing to work more hours, idk why they're not giving em to me:(

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