
Health “Benefits” Retro Deduction Paycheck Wipeout

Unsure if I should keep encouraging her to push or just quit the damn job. My partner started a new job, a minimum wage job in Los Angeles, CA at a company that is world recognized as a publically traded corporation and entertainment goliath. She's been there for 3 pay periods and on the 3rd pay period after signing up for Health Benefits a week prior, the benefits department deducted 95% of her paycheck for Retro Payments back to the first day of employment. She was never informed of this policy and no mention during enrollment. Her $1300 check for 2 weeks of labor was reduced to a mere $131 (after tax). $1000 in deductions for Medical and $80 in Dental. This happens without a single word to her (or any other new hires, several have quit) in regards to this Retro Charge Policy prior to her enrollment or during…

Unsure if I should keep encouraging her to push or just quit the damn job.
My partner started a new job, a minimum wage job in Los Angeles, CA at a company that is world recognized as a publically traded corporation and entertainment goliath. She's been there for 3 pay periods and on the 3rd pay period after signing up for Health Benefits a week prior, the benefits department deducted 95% of her paycheck for Retro Payments back to the first day of employment. She was never informed of this policy and no mention during enrollment.

Her $1300 check for 2 weeks of labor was reduced to a mere $131 (after tax).
$1000 in deductions for Medical and $80 in Dental. This happens without a single word to her (or any other new hires, several have quit) in regards to this Retro Charge Policy prior to her enrollment or during the first day of hire, or any day after that.

HR blame shifts to the Benefits department, using the words like “as a reminder” for information never given. Then the Benefits department denies an appeal to cancel the benefits, not sure if they can cancel the policy, and doesn't provide any documentation of how they figured this deduction amount from 3 pay periods that should be $270 per pay period. The Benefits agent even goes as far as to laugh during the call when asked if this is a proper procedure to wipe out an employee's paycheck.

The treatment is a joke.

Has anyone got anything, advice, a direction, or is this just a screwed deal for the employees?

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