
Health insurance company rant

My job is software development for a regional health insurance company, it pays fine and the benefits are fine, honestly for that stuff I'm fairly lucky. Personally, I'm doing okay. But it really does drain me working for the bad guys, especially because they're so blatant about it. This is the week of our quarterly meetings, the first one I went to was about our PAC, which I was ignorant about what it was, it is our Political Action Committee. Also read as our lobbying department. We were talked to about how we “support candidates on both sides” and “educate the policy makers”, educating by giving them money to support our cause. Our cause, of course, being blocking public health insurance. Of course a health insurance company is going to lobby against that, but to just be so open telling us about it seemed strange. Then came the best part.…

My job is software development for a regional health insurance company, it pays fine and the benefits are fine, honestly for that stuff I'm fairly lucky. Personally, I'm doing okay. But it really does drain me working for the bad guys, especially because they're so blatant about it.

This is the week of our quarterly meetings, the first one I went to was about our PAC, which I was ignorant about what it was, it is our Political Action Committee. Also read as our lobbying department. We were talked to about how we “support candidates on both sides” and “educate the policy makers”, educating by giving them money to support our cause. Our cause, of course, being blocking public health insurance. Of course a health insurance company is going to lobby against that, but to just be so open telling us about it seemed strange. Then came the best part.

The last part of the presentation was to ask us for donations to support the PAC. Literally asking the workers to financially support lobbying against something that would benefit millions of people. They spin it as “helping our members, making sure they get the best care” and it's crazy.

Yesterday I had another quarterly, this one talking more about our future and about how we're doing. Our company made record revenue in the last year. Crazy numbers. Health insurance is raking it in.

They talked about our future about what we need to do. About how health care is expensive and sometimes people can't afford it, so we need to look inward and personally cut waste to save them money. About how we're going to help people afford us, while just a few days ago telling us to help block the initiative that would actually help them afford it.

It's just hard working for the bad guys. My area has 2 major sectors, health insurance and banking and both are evil. I do fine right now personally, but it's at the expense of supporting companies that exploit and that takes a toll.

Rant over

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