
Healthcare provided by the employer is an absurdly bad idea

Oh boy, where do I even start? The American system, where many people rely on their employer for health insurance, and this is a huge problem. “Why?”, you may ask. This system creates multiple problems for employees, such as not being able to quit their job due to the fear of being uninsured. However, the even bigger problem for me, personally, is that currently many people's health insurance is controlled by a company, that aims to keep them at work as much as possible. This means that it's directly in the employer's interests to give their employees bad insurance plans, to prevent them from going to the doctor, and then demand a doctor's note for paid sick leave. Talking about sick leave, it's absolutely outrageous that the amount of sick days/year can be predetermined. This coupled with the fact that in some states you can literally fire the employee for…

Oh boy, where do I even start?

The American system, where many people rely on their employer for health insurance, and this is a huge problem. “Why?”, you may ask. This system creates multiple problems for employees, such as not being able to quit their job due to the fear of being uninsured. However, the even bigger problem for me, personally, is that currently many people's health insurance is controlled by a company, that aims to keep them at work as much as possible. This means that it's directly in the employer's interests to give their employees bad insurance plans, to prevent them from going to the doctor, and then demand a doctor's note for paid sick leave. Talking about sick leave, it's absolutely outrageous that the amount of sick days/year can be predetermined. This coupled with the fact that in some states you can literally fire the employee for getting sick, with no laws protecting the employee, who, in the worst scenario, now has to pay for expensive treatments out of pocket. The US desperately needs free health care for everyone and unlimited sick days with a doctor's note, but somehow, your leaders just watch the workers suffer, as silent as the P in pterodactyl.

-A European sickened by American working conditions

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