
Hearing boomers at my job complain about entitlement and people being lazy makes me laugh

There's these 2 older men at my job that constantly complain about people being lazy and not wanting to work blah blah blah same old boomer grievances. They constantly have to have something to complain about and today it's the younger people are too lazy in today's culture and don't want to work because they're entitled. It's a constant struggle for them to come to terms that they are the ones who are always working so hard and get more work put on their plate yet alot of other people get away with not doing stuff for hours. Hearing people that are so out of touch with reality is something to behold and unfortunately it's more prevelant than many of us want to admit

There's these 2 older men at my job that constantly complain about people being lazy and not wanting to work blah blah blah same old boomer grievances.

They constantly have to have something to complain about and today it's the younger people are too lazy in today's culture and don't want to work because they're entitled.

It's a constant struggle for them to come to terms that they are the ones who are always working so hard and get more work put on their plate yet alot of other people get away with not doing stuff for hours. Hearing people that are so out of touch with reality is something to behold and unfortunately it's more prevelant than many of us want to admit

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