
Hello Everyone It Is Time

As of today, i’ve made up my mind, this will be my last week in this company i plan on either quitting or asking for a different position, the fact that made me realize this job was getting to me was that my friend called me earlier and i unknowingly read my call script, even after reading their name, i’ve been basically brainwashed at this point to respond to phone calls like that, i’m sick of calling people and stating that they have debts and for them to get upset and curse me out without me being able to say anything back, or when people call in saying that i’m ruining their “perfect credit” if it was so perfect why do you owe “xyz” you would have better track of your finances if it was true. i have enough money to take a 5 month break bills and emergencies included,…

As of today, i’ve made up my mind, this will be my last week in this company i plan on either quitting or asking for a different position, the fact that made me realize this job was getting to me was that my friend called me earlier and i unknowingly read my call script, even after reading their name, i’ve been basically brainwashed at this point to respond to phone calls like that, i’m sick of calling people and stating that they have debts and for them to get upset and curse me out without me being able to say anything back, or when people call in saying that i’m ruining their “perfect credit” if it was so perfect why do you owe “xyz” you would have better track of your finances if it was true. i have enough money to take a 5 month break bills and emergencies included, I’m pulling an all nighter knowing that i won’t perform good tomorrow, I’m tired of my managements snark comments, it’s not my fault that i get scenarios that were never discussed in training and that i have to ask for help constantly, it’s not my fault that i forget the mountains of information you tried to cram into me with 1 month of training, oh what? i’m not getting commission this month because i forgot to ask a question word for word like the script?, sorry i can’t take calls in a quite environment, it’s so my fault that the city decided to do some construction infront of my house, or that my neighbor is having their lawn cut, i should totally go out there and tell them to be quite right? oh you hear police sirens in the background i should go outside and tell them to turn it off because it’s not an emergency, my neighbors dog is going beserk because someone is walking down the street, should i give them a ride or the dog a treat, you hear my neighbors rooster, should i shoot it? oh my sibling is leaving for school should i push their car halfway down the street so you don’t hear it turn on? honestly blaming me for things out of my control, like the almost 20 year old pc to do my work on spazzing out because it’s overheating or the app not responding properly, oh i couldn’t hold in my cough for 5 minutes that’s too bad, that’s a verbal warning on professionalism, honestly i think the worst department is the 3rd party call group, if they agree to give me a different position tomorrow i’ll take it, they have an IT position open, and HR too and couple of other that don’t require being on the phones, we’ll see tomorrow

tldr: i’m demanding a different position, and a little rant about the management, i’m quitting soon anyways

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