
Help! Does my gf have recourse in shitty hiring practices?

My girlfriend works for a huge National corporation and applied for a job within the company that would have given a significant enough raise for her not to be struggling as a single mother anymore. The minimum posted salary would have been a 20k raise for her. She’s been absolutely stressing about it all summer long. The job offers come out and she gets one. Then she is told that the job actually pays almost exactly what she makes now, but with less earning potential due to lack of overtime pay. Whoopsies, guess they posted it wrong, could happen to anyone! I guess it’s lucky that posting it wrong brought in hundreds and hundreds of applications. They waved away the outrage of the employees with “you should have gotten an email.” Naturally my gf is heartbroken and a little panicked financially. Is there anything that can be done about this…

My girlfriend works for a huge National corporation and applied for a job within the company that would have given a significant enough raise for her not to be struggling as a single mother anymore. The minimum posted salary would have been a 20k raise for her. She’s been absolutely stressing about it all summer long. The job offers come out and she gets one. Then she is told that the job actually pays almost exactly what she makes now, but with less earning potential due to lack of overtime pay. Whoopsies, guess they posted it wrong, could happen to anyone! I guess it’s lucky that posting it wrong brought in hundreds and hundreds of applications. They waved away the outrage of the employees with “you should have gotten an email.” Naturally my gf is heartbroken and a little panicked financially. Is there anything that can be done about this or do we just have to take this shit lying down?

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