
help, idk what to do

So my company big company decided to cut all contractors and hire them in. When I started for a contract agency I was just between jobs and accepted way to low of an hourly for the area, moving across the state and not knowing it was 10ish an hour more on average for what I do here. I way way undercut myself without realizing until the next couple guys were like yeah I got 10 more an hour… I just got my job offer and wasn't prepared for a dollar an hour more than I make now…. I do IT work, and have been around 4 year's at my current contract over 10 within IT Administration. My boss when telling me ahead of time this was coming said they hadn't been able to fill third shift reliably ever before me. They have run into several situations where no one can…

So my company big company decided to cut all contractors and hire them in.

When I started for a contract agency I was just between jobs and accepted way to low of an hourly for the area, moving across the state and not knowing it was 10ish an hour more on average for what I do here. I way way undercut myself without realizing until the next couple guys were like yeah I got 10 more an hour…

I just got my job offer and wasn't prepared for a dollar an hour more than I make now…. I do IT work, and have been around 4 year's at my current contract over 10 within IT Administration.

My boss when telling me ahead of time this was coming said they hadn't been able to fill third shift reliably ever before me. They have run into several situations where no one can do what I do and have had to rely on me. My boss also said I would get a shift premium from now on …

They're offering me $22 and hour, bare minimum right now near Detroit for IT work is over $30 and I see a good deal of entry level positions at that. I honestly don't know how to respond to anything under $25. It's just not in the ballpark.

I'm the sole provider for my family. I have 100% remote work but we're going hybrid anytime now. Sure having insurance would be awesome….but thats not enough to afford insurance…..

I'm not sure if I call my boss and say are you sure about this? Or if this is a test? Is this to see if I'll just say yes again? Because I will but I'm pretty sure I can get closer to 45 an hour looking at some of what I see around me, I'm not sure I'd even have to try that hard..

I've got some social anxiety issues, being a quirky IT guy has always made that a bit easier. Admittedly changing jobs is NOT A GOOD TIME for me mentally. I can't stress how much personally I hate job changing.

The offer expires on the 5th of July, I'm not sure how to respond….. I'm not sure how I can leave any conversation without making it clear that the offer is inappropriate.

Ranting I know

Tldr: How to respond to a $22 job offer for your current job when the going rate for entry level work is $35-40?

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