
Help Me Quit My Job and Pursue My Passion By Playing My Game About Quitting Your Job and Pursuing Your Passion

Hi! So I've been working on a highly satirical video game about quitting your job to find meaning in your life for a few years now. One of my friends who helps with bouncing ideas around and stuff for the game frequents this subreddit and recommended that I post about it here, as he thought the satirical nature and themes of fighting against the corporate machine would be enjoyed by many members of the r/antiwork community. (That, and any support I get goes towards helping another person quit their job to do something they actually care about lol). So, if anyone happens to be interested in something like this here's a bit about the game: It's a 2D Metroidvania/JRPG where basically you play as a little goo creature who works at a company called CeratoCorp(TM). His job sucks all the joy out of his life and makes him feel a…

Hi! So I've been working on a highly satirical video game about quitting your job to find meaning in your life for a few years now. One of my friends who helps with bouncing ideas around and stuff for the game frequents this subreddit and recommended that I post about it here, as he thought the satirical nature and themes of fighting against the corporate machine would be enjoyed by many members of the r/antiwork community. (That, and any support I get goes towards helping another person quit their job to do something they actually care about lol). So, if anyone happens to be interested in something like this here's a bit about the game:

It's a 2D Metroidvania/JRPG where basically you play as a little goo creature who works at a company called CeratoCorp(TM). His job sucks all the joy out of his life and makes him feel a deep sense of oppression and loneliness. He finally works up the courage to quit his job (even though quitting is, of course, against company policy). This does not go well. His boss informs him that company policy is to kill deserters, and so the entire building immediately turns on him and he has to run for his life.

The gameplay plays like a platformer in the overworld, where you unlock new characters throughout the game who join the party and each have different abilities to help traverse the land in new ways, allowing you to explore bigger sections of the world as you unlock more characters. However, when you encounter an enemy, the gameplay switches to a turn based JRPG battle where you have to manage your emotional state in addition to the standard health bar, action points, etc. in order to be effective in battle.

Here's the trailer for chapter 1 if you'd rather just watch a video instead of reading a description:
I decided to release it in chapters (partially just so that I could actually release something in a somewhat reasonable timeframe because wow making games is hard lol, especially when most of your time and energy is going into a random job that you have to have in order to not starve to death) and chapter 1 released last year (and has so far gotten a whole like 20 purchases). Chapter 2 is releasing in like a week, so I'm hoping that it gains a little bit more traction with the new chapter release! It's only $5 per chapter (which each chapter is about 4-10 hours ish of playtime depending on if you're a completionist or not) so if you are at all interested give it a try! I'd love to hear any feedback (or even possible suggestions/stories of things to be brought up in future chapters) as well!

Thanks so much for taking the time to read this post, and I know it's very different from the usual stuff on here, but I hope some people find it interesting at least!


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