
Help please, feel like I’m being taken advantage of?

As a tid of backstory I have worked for this place in the past. Took a break and returned recently, I had a nice interview and discussed pay. Received a call saying I was hired and was pretty content as I needed this second job again, unfortunately. Fast forward to my predicament, I received my schedule but cannot clock in or out, as I haven't been placed into their system,(reactivated i should say.. and they had two whole weeks!) This goes on for two shifts, after which I am placed in the system and now have reliable time clocks, fast forward a day. I am pulled aside by the manager I interviewed with and bring up my pay, firstly I was shushed as we don't discuss pay around other employees (yikes), he then took me, and when we were fully out of earshot let me know I was making about…

As a tid of backstory I have worked for this place in the past. Took a break and returned recently, I had a nice interview and discussed pay. Received a call saying I was hired and was pretty content as I needed this second job again, unfortunately.
Fast forward to my predicament, I received my schedule but cannot clock in or out, as I haven't been placed into their system,(reactivated i should say.. and they had two whole weeks!)
This goes on for two shifts, after which I am placed in the system and now have reliable time clocks, fast forward a day. I am pulled aside by the manager I interviewed with and bring up my pay, firstly I was shushed as we don't discuss pay around other employees (yikes), he then took me, and when we were fully out of earshot let me know I was making about 9-10% less than I had told him I needed. And that I had already worked four days at a wage that i am unwilling to work for. I don't even know what to do really. (Obviously should've confirmed my pay first but thought it was already confirmed) i should mention he was not interested in amending my pay to what I needed.

TLDR: Thought I got a decent second job, hired 10% lower wage than discussed, looking for advice! (Not sure If I can just outright quit)

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