
Help with an abusive General Manager

First of all sorry if my English isn’t the best. I’m very desperate, I was a shift manager at McDonald’s and I quit on the spot about a month ago because of how shitty the general manager is, she treats us all like animals, my breaking point was when she was harassing me and stalking me, she also stole money from me at one point. My boyfriend and friends are still working there and they keep telling me that she keeps getting worse and worse. She’s very abusive, in so many ways I wouldn’t even know where to start. We already tried talking to her superior and she changed for like 3 days and went back to her shitty self again. I want advice on what to do, what can be done, most of her workers are quitting but somehow she’s still standing strong and getting away with abusing everyone.…

First of all sorry if my English isn’t the best. I’m very desperate, I was a shift manager at McDonald’s and I quit on the spot about a month ago because of how shitty the general manager is, she treats us all like animals, my breaking point was when she was harassing me and stalking me, she also stole money from me at one point. My boyfriend and friends are still working there and they keep telling me that she keeps getting worse and worse. She’s very abusive, in so many ways I wouldn’t even know where to start. We already tried talking to her superior and she changed for like 3 days and went back to her shitty self again. I want advice on what to do, what can be done, most of her workers are quitting but somehow she’s still standing strong and getting away with abusing everyone. Thank you very much in advance.

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