
Helped someone (hopefully) screw her employer

Long time lurker here. I actually enjoy my job and work for people who actually somewhat give a shit about their employees. I bartend at a local sports bar in Wisconsin and was listening to a (very drunk) woman complain about how her job requires her to show up early and work without pay for 30 minutes before every shift. I gave her the phone number of the labor board and told her to keep me posted about the lawsuit she will hopefully file. Fuck this system and keep fighting the good fight. Edit: Spelling, pretty drunk while posting

Long time lurker here. I actually enjoy my job and work for people who actually somewhat give a shit about their employees. I bartend at a local sports bar in Wisconsin and was listening to a (very drunk) woman complain about how her job requires her to show up early and work without pay for 30 minutes before every shift. I gave her the phone number of the labor board and told her to keep me posted about the lawsuit she will hopefully file. Fuck this system and keep fighting the good fight.

Edit: Spelling, pretty drunk while posting

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