
Here’s an idea.

If the whole collective of this group pushed this it would be big. Pass a law that forces any company/corporation that make over a million dollars in combined profits to create a medical insurance fund for their workers. The fund can only be used by the employees of the company and the use of it for any other purpose shall be a FELONY with full monetary restitution to the fund and 20 years in jail. No government agency, institution nor entity has a right to this fund. This fund can only be dissolved if the company goes bankrupt or goes out of business, in which the entirety of the fund shall be EQUALLY distributed to EVERY employee that has worked for said company. This payment is tax exempt and the government has no right to know what its recipients will use it for. Employees that have have not worked for…

If the whole collective of this group pushed this it would be big.

Pass a law that forces any company/corporation that make over a million dollars in combined profits to create a medical insurance fund for their workers. The fund can only be used by the employees of the company and the use of it for any other purpose shall be a FELONY with full monetary restitution to the fund and 20 years in jail. No government agency, institution nor entity has a right to this fund. This fund can only be dissolved if the company goes bankrupt or goes out of business, in which the entirety of the fund shall be EQUALLY distributed to EVERY employee that has worked for said company. This payment is tax exempt and the government has no right to know what its recipients will use it for. Employees that have have not worked for the company for more than 30 years do not qualify but employees that have worked for more than 10 years will always qualify in the event this happens. Funding will be taken from %10 of the company's profits at the end of year, %15 if the company gains over %40 profits for the year, %20 if the company crosses %70 profits, and %30 if the company makes over %100 profits. Is tax-exempt. Can instantly be used as soon as an employee is hired. Covers an employee a full year after termination (in any way except criminal and it impacts the company). Before hiring, the company MUST disclose their funding status and standing with the state. This medical insurance MUST be accepted by any and all medical providers in the U.S.

Feel free to add your own amendments and what not, I'm on mobile so I'll stop right here. This was just an idea on how to stop Healthcare inequality here in the US, I'm not an expert in this matter, so fuck off trolls. Again its an IDEA, not gonna debate nor answer questions but I can say that how the IRS and the rest of the government runs things, this is a pretty good idea.

Some quick notes.

-this fund covers exempt and non exempt employees. Contractors and 1099 are covered for the duration of their contract and up to half a year after the last day of work. If contractor or 1099 perforns work for the company for more than a year then they are covered for a full year after the last day of work.

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