So in June, I got the dreaded eMail that you hear about whispered in conversation at layoff time. The one that is titled ambiguously but that exact subject means you're one of the unlucky fucks that just lost their job.
This company pays you for 45days post layoff and covers benefits until the end of that second month. After that, you get your severance.
Well, it happens that I had a neurosurgery scheduled within that 45day time frame (~10days prior to my “last day”) and my Short Term Disability claim was filed when I went under the knife and approved.
For everyone who was laid off with me, they lose all benefits etc at the end of August. Due to being placed on STD, I get my full pay for a few more weeks, and full medical benefits through Sept. paid for 100% by the company and not me working.
Right now my disability ends at the beginning of Sept, and I got an offer from a new company to start on Sept 19. (Medical will kick in with new company in Nov. -Booooo).
Making my last company pay for my benefits for an extra month (and some salary) is my tiny “FUCK YOU” to my last employer on the way out.
Short Term Disability is managed by a third party agency, and THEY approved it, my employer had no recourse to tell them to not approve it, because that is interfering.
My new job is a ~15k raise, and I start in a month.