
Here’s how you get teachers/nurses the salary they deserve.

No shit, I'd bet a silver dollar that if teachers & nurses all organized around the country and all collectively stopped working and started protesting for a better salary and benefits, you'd get exactly what you'd want plus more by the end of the day–the very day you started. If there is anything, and I mean ANYTHING rich people hate, it's losing money and when teachers stop teaching and nurses stop nursing, big money ends up being lost with lawsuits and those at the top all taking advantage of these people end up being forced to take the option that causes the least amount of damage–that being better pay and benefits. I know at least one of you is a nurse that can barely take care of yourself let alone 10-15 patients because the hospital prioritizes wealth over people. Someone needs to take a stand for EVERYTHING you (and teachers)…

No shit, I'd bet a silver dollar that if teachers & nurses all organized around the country and all collectively stopped working and started protesting for a better salary and benefits, you'd get exactly what you'd want plus more by the end of the day–the very day you started.

If there is anything, and I mean ANYTHING rich people hate, it's losing money and when teachers stop teaching and nurses stop nursing, big money ends up being lost with lawsuits and those at the top all taking advantage of these people end up being forced to take the option that causes the least amount of damage–that being better pay and benefits.

I know at least one of you is a nurse that can barely take care of yourself let alone 10-15 patients because the hospital prioritizes wealth over people. Someone needs to take a stand for EVERYTHING you (and teachers) have been through, especially since COVID.

If you all band together and stop for ONE DAY, you watch, CHANGE WILL HAPPEN!

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