
Hey everybody thought you would get a kick out of this!!

I’m currently a school employee (won’t be for long now) and already have been complaining about how underpaid I am! Guess what? I just got a call saying that I have been overpaid 30 minutes a day for the entirety of the school year because of a mistake on their part and they didn’t notice until now and I apparently now owe them $1906! Fuck me man I’m done.

I’m currently a school employee (won’t be for long now) and already have been complaining about how underpaid I am! Guess what? I just got a call saying that I have been overpaid 30 minutes a day for the entirety of the school year because of a mistake on their part and they didn’t notice until now and I apparently now owe them $1906! Fuck me man I’m done.

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