
Hey guys.

Hey guys. I was originally gonna make this post on an alt account but I figured if I exposed my personal self even if my past (YouTube gaming videos) is cringe it would at least bring some legitimacy to the issue I’m facing. I’ve always lived with my mom, she’s always been an extremely strong woman and has always done what’s best for her children. I admire her so much for that, but unfortunately we’ve really been struggling hard lately. She got a job recently that has a 6 month “probationary period” where she makes so much less than she’s worth. I’m gonna be straight up and ask you guys honestly now, I’ve seen a lot of you be amazing and help out people on this sub financially. Those posts don’t get a lot of attention but I’ve seen life changing people help out others when they were struggling here.…

Hey guys. I was originally gonna make this post on an alt account but I figured if I exposed my personal self even if my past (YouTube gaming videos) is cringe it would at least bring some legitimacy to the issue I’m facing.

I’ve always lived with my mom, she’s always been an extremely strong woman and has always done what’s best for her children. I admire her so much for that, but unfortunately we’ve really been struggling hard lately. She got a job recently that has a 6 month “probationary period” where she makes so much less than she’s worth.

I’m gonna be straight up and ask you guys honestly now, I’ve seen a lot of you be amazing and help out people on this sub financially. Those posts don’t get a lot of attention but I’ve seen life changing people help out others when they were struggling here.

I really hate to ask but if any of y’all who have a disposable income can give us anything, even/especially as a loan, we really can use anything we can get our hands on as a family right now.

I’ve never seen my mom ask for money before but recently she’s been asking me and my brother for help paying for oil, food, electricity, car payments and even her gas to get to work.

I would type more but I already feel ashamed for asking for anything here, but if any of y’all can spare anything, even temporarily, I would owe you my life. My mom is way too proud to ask for help for herself, but even then she’s asking for help from our extended family which I never in a million years would have thought she would do.

If anybody can help us temporarily I promise I’ll work to make the money back to get it back to y’all, but by chance if you guys can spare anything as of now please message my dms and I’ll be forever in ur debt, even after I repay you.

Thank you for reading and I’m sorry I don’t have a funny or relatable anti work anidote/meme today. Love you guys and good luck to all of u <3


Also sorry for my poor English, it’s not my second language or anything I’m just not very smart so I make a lot of grammatical mistakes

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