
Hey, question for everyone on how to “politely” ask for a raise given the circumstances.

So i've been working at my current employee for about a year now. In the year there have been alot of changes in my life and work life. I was hired as a helper, but now have more ability than the person working aside me, in physical ability, and in knowledge. My partner is the typical grumpy/close minded person with a terrible attitude. Once was asked to do a difficult task due to his time there than began to argue with the supervisor and claim that he doesnt get paid enough to do it. I have since picked that task up now, and do it well, almost daily, to the point of if i didnt do it, work would not get done. Essentially I have made myself valuable/ more valuable than my partner. I get paid hourly somewhere in the $20 an hour category. I do work overtime, so that…

So i've been working at my current employee for about a year now. In the year there have been alot of changes in my life and work life. I was hired as a helper, but now have more ability than the person working aside me, in physical ability, and in knowledge. My partner is the typical grumpy/close minded person with a terrible attitude. Once was asked to do a difficult task due to his time there than began to argue with the supervisor and claim that he doesnt get paid enough to do it. I have since picked that task up now, and do it well, almost daily, to the point of if i didnt do it, work would not get done. Essentially I have made myself valuable/ more valuable than my partner. I get paid hourly somewhere in the $20 an hour category. I do work overtime, so that helps, but I feel that i am due for more money given the amount of work i do. Any help on how to ask professionally would be awesome!


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