
Hi everyone new to this sub and am curious what you have found as successful work alternatives. I’ll give a lil history forgiveness as it’s probably gonna be a long one

I’m a union carpenter have been for some time I make above average money but I work hard as it’s construction. It’s destroying my body and don’t get it confused the union discrimination very much exists not to mention they act like they give you the world and you owe them everything when in reality if you don’t kiss ass and play the games you get laid off for lack of work and I’ve seen guys laid off for two years when they don’t. It’s a lot of snitching and high school drama and if your not in the little circle of friends relatives or the like your a disposable peon. I’ve seriously had enough the one day I didn’t feel well and wasn’t going full speed I got lectured and told well I can’t be denied bathroom use but he’s pretty sure I’m just wandering and what happened to…

I’m a union carpenter have been for some time I make above average money but I work hard as it’s construction. It’s destroying my body and don’t get it confused the union discrimination very much exists not to mention they act like they give you the world and you owe them everything when in reality if you don’t kiss ass and play the games you get laid off for lack of work and I’ve seen guys laid off for two years when they don’t. It’s a lot of snitching and high school drama and if your not in the little circle of friends relatives or the like your a disposable peon. I’ve seriously had enough the one day I didn’t feel well and wasn’t going full speed I got lectured and told well I can’t be denied bathroom use but he’s pretty sure I’m just wandering and what happened to doing the work of two men. Yeah some in crowd guys stands around and talks while other busy their butt. It’s bogus and this week was my breaking point I’m looking for something that’s not going to destroy my body basically and when I find it I’m done working in such a toxic environment. Sorry for the run on sentence lol. Thanx in advance for any alternatives you guys may have.

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