I work for a 500+ insurance company, and our team has taken a huge hit in morale. Its a smaller team, but almost 15-20% of our team has quit within 2 months. Its due to a new bonus structure that only our department has (and its exponentially harder to make than anyone else) and low morale snowballing.
Im currently picking up the slack for the new guy that doesnt know how to do his job, so im working 2 peoples jobs essentially.
I get paid a whopping 41k a year, and it seems like the market average for my area is like, $40k-55k. All id really like is 45k, but hey more is cool.
I dont want to sound greedy, but theres MULTIPLE unpaid salaries right now, the bonus structure is not changed from people leaving (harder to achieve), and they’re having me pick up the slackers work. Oh and the CEO has garages of extra cars, a private jet, and so much more gluttonous displays of wealth.
Is it worth it at my 1:1 to come in with some research and talking points to ask about a small raise? When I talked to HR, they said their starting point for my position was 45k, I just didn’t negotiate at hiring because I was desperate.