
“Hijacking My Energy”

I’m planning my exit from my current job and made a list of things I won’t miss about it so that I never regret leaving. Here are some of the things on it: -They think fear/negativity is the most effective motivator. -Nobody actually wants to help anyone. If a customer has a problem, and whoever is helping them has ever heard that some other department can take care of it, they’ll send the customer to that department so that they don’t have to do anything. -Needing to act like I have 6000x more energy than I actually do day after day after day. -My bosses have a very specific set of unwritten rules on how to communicate and network and if you can’t divine what they are, you’re worthless. -I never have any of the resources I need to fix any problem that I’m expected to solve. Anyways, I’ve been…

I’m planning my exit from my current job and made a list of things I won’t miss about it so that I never regret leaving. Here are some of the things on it:

-They think fear/negativity is the most effective motivator.

-Nobody actually wants to help anyone. If a customer has a problem, and whoever is helping them has ever heard that some other department can take care of it, they’ll send the customer to that department so that they don’t have to do anything.

-Needing to act like I have 6000x more energy than I actually do day after day after day.

-My bosses have a very specific set of unwritten rules on how to communicate and network and if you can’t divine what they are, you’re worthless.

-I never have any of the resources I need to fix any problem that I’m expected to solve.

Anyways, I’ve been trying to find another job and the market is terrible despite the whole “great resignation” bs. I even launched a side business to try to get experience in the industry that I want to work in. The problem is that all of these problems at my current job are so physically, mentally, emotionally taxing that by the time I get home and ready to apply to jobs or work on my business, I have no wherewithal to even begin. My job is not only robbing me of my happiness, but my all of my energy and will to see anything outside of it. This cycle has been going on for months and it’s at a point now that even my family is blaming me for this. I feel bad because I do vent to them a lot, but I also know this is completely not my fault, because I’m doing my due diligence. It’s just that I’m living on borrowed energy and the bill is gonna come due in the form of an ulcer or panic attack or something, idk.

Anyways, there’s no satisfying ending to this story but it does tend to help when others read my posts and let me know I’m not alone. Whatch’yall got?

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