
Home2Suites/Buffalo Lodging Associates need to be called out for treating their employees like disposable shit!

I'd like for this to remain as anonymous as possible as this is concerning a couple of employees (including me) who currently have no other job prospects to fall back into in case management retaliates. BLA does not follow agreed-upon hourly rates for employees.Aside from the promise of pay increases and hazard pays for a few employees, the pay rate for one of the housekeeping employees was cut to $1 short from their normal pay. No explanation was given for this change in pay rate and the EE wouldn't have been given a notice if she didn't find the discrepancy in her pay stubs. This is the same employee who was hired to work evening shifts but now management is pressuring her to switch to morning shits for reasons including, but not limited to, the company being short-staffed in the morning and, according to the housekeeping executive, the morning staff…

I'd like for this to remain as anonymous as possible as this is concerning a couple of employees (including me) who currently have no other job prospects to fall back into in case management retaliates.

BLA does not follow agreed-upon hourly rates for employees.Aside from the promise of pay increases and hazard pays for a few employees, the pay rate for one of the housekeeping employees was cut to $1 short from their normal pay. No explanation was given for this change in pay rate and the EE wouldn't have been given a notice if she didn't find the discrepancy in her pay stubs. This is the same employee who was hired to work evening shifts but now management is pressuring her to switch to morning shits for reasons including, but not limited to, the company being short-staffed in the morning and, according to the housekeeping executive, the morning staff simply isn't doing their jobs properly. It's worth mentioning that this place does not have any standard training for housekeeping in place.

BLA does not pay backpay.An EE (same ee as the last paragraph) is owed backpay since earlier this year due to a rate discrepancy for a period of time. This is the same situation as what she's going through now. EE kept following up on when the backpay will be paid but the housekeeping manager merely insists that it is in process. It's been “in process” for a few months now. Last time the EE followed up, the hsk manager told the ee to check her pay stubs again in case she just missed it. Keep in mind, he said this after claiming that the retro pay is still in process and going through a series of approvals.

BLA does not want its employees talking to each other.Housekeeping manager told the EE to stop talking to other employees about her issues and to just come in, do her job and be silent, then leave. The EE talked to the assistant manager of the hotel regarding her concerns in hopes that she can be paid what's owed to her. As it turns out, the hkp manager did not like this despite being of no help for months.

This EE has over a decade experience in the hospitality industry and has received compliments from guests, fellow employees, and even management because she does a great job and does not complain. From her interview, she has made it clear that she can only work overnights and for $15 an hour because she has kids to take care of in the mornings. Now, she's being paid $14 an hour on certain days with no explanation, and she's being bombarded with tasks that are not part of her job with intent to pressure her into agreeing to morning shifts.

BLA/Hilton makes false promisesThis is the third Hilton hotel I've worked at in two different cities. It may have just been pure coincidence but every single hotel had that one hardworking houseman who'd willingly pick up shifts and go above and beyond for the hotel. These are the people who would work at least 12-hour days, people who'd still come in despite feeling sick, and who'd beg for a single unpaid time off despite the consistent commitment to the company. These are those who were promised a promotion to “Inspector” in the near future. I've yet to see this promotion happen for a houseperson working for a Hilton brand.

Side note: I think Hilton's stupid ass training modules need to be updated. Examples shown are way back from 2006 and they really have a training module teaching you how to open, close, and minimize an application.

Edit: To add, their Housekeeping “Executive” had no experience in the hospitality industry and can't even turn a room, inspect, or train if asked. He had, however, experience in the medical field.

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