

Too stubborn to be miserable working at a low paying job. I am 18 days into being sleeping bag homeless in Salt Lake. It’s been quite an experience. Everything is more difficult or complicated. Kicked out of a cemetery, told to leave church property twice, approached by people who want to fight… But I’ve learned so much about myself. I’ve changed a lot. I’m not nice. I tell people to go away, don’t talk to me, leave me alone. People stare at me too long & I say, “What.” “Don’t look at me.” “Do something.” I’m not instigating it, I’m addressing their curiosity I suppose. People are scared of me. Others aren’t. I’m the most assertive that I’ve ever been. I appreciate moments more. I love outside fires & hand sanitizer dispensers. It’s uphill in every direction. It’s exhausting. But I refuse to work somewhere that will not pay enough…

Too stubborn to be miserable working at a low paying job. I am 18 days into being sleeping bag homeless in Salt Lake. It’s been quite an experience. Everything is more difficult or complicated.

Kicked out of a cemetery, told to leave church property twice, approached by people who want to fight…

But I’ve learned so much about myself. I’ve changed a lot. I’m not nice. I tell people to go away, don’t talk to me, leave me alone. People stare at me too long & I say, “What.” “Don’t look at me.” “Do something.” I’m not instigating it, I’m addressing their curiosity I suppose.

People are scared of me. Others aren’t. I’m the most assertive that I’ve ever been. I appreciate moments more. I love outside fires & hand sanitizer dispensers.

It’s uphill in every direction. It’s exhausting. But I refuse to work somewhere that will not pay enough to afford a place to live. I can be miserable on my own without an hourly wage. Being homeless for almost three weeks taught me to appreciate the moments you have right now. Warm beds, running water, showers, washing machines, safety.

I decided to invest my work week into something for me. Something nobody can take away or fire me from. My podcast has had the most listens since being homeless. I bought a pizza tonight with the money I made from it. It tasted so good. That first bite…

Give it a listen if you’re bored. Thanks for the opportunity to share my thoughts here.

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