
Honestly America has enough people to go around for employment

r/tumblr posted about medieval peasants having 150 days of work a year because their happiness was important although idk if their calendars also had 364 days like us Anyways, imagine if we had 150 days maximum a year with a minimum annual wage and salary of $76,800-$96k. Big companies like at&t, amazon, walmart, and global fast food chains or any global chain could afford paying for such services since they can already afford politicians and millionaires and billionaires doing squat. Also the 150 Days would force work hours to be spread out along with shifts so the work wouldnt be compressed so tightly. The increased minimum wage would also stringly encourage high quality workers to join the force, and we probably already do have some. the minimum and maximum ages to work need some fine tuning tho. And fuck generational wealth. Thats just soft language for a bigass treasure chest.

r/tumblr posted about medieval peasants having 150 days of work a year because their happiness was important although idk if their calendars also had 364 days like us

Anyways, imagine if we had 150 days maximum a year with a minimum annual wage and salary of $76,800-$96k.

Big companies like at&t, amazon, walmart, and global fast food chains or any global chain could afford paying for such services since they can already afford politicians and millionaires and billionaires doing squat. Also the 150 Days would force work hours to be spread out along with shifts so the work wouldnt be compressed so tightly. The increased minimum wage would also stringly encourage high quality workers to join the force, and we probably already do have some.

the minimum and maximum ages to work need some fine tuning tho. And fuck generational wealth. Thats just soft language for a bigass treasure chest.

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