
Honestly, how much more can people take before something gives?

I’ve been reading on this sub for a while, and the situation of every day life just seems bleaker and bleaker by the day and it terrifies me. For personal context: I’m about to enter college this fall for engineering. Im extremely stressed about balancing such an intense major, with my poor mental health and the bullshit that is late stage capitalism. I plan to move out of the country as soon as I obtain my degree. Which brings the question: How are people enduring this? Why is nothing being done? It’s only a matter of time until shit hits the fan. I’m seriously surprised mass riots haven’t broken out already. Everyone around me is so blind to it and it makes me want to scream. I’ve become such a bitter person and I’m only in my early 20’s. I’m scared for my future and if I’ll even have one.…

I’ve been reading on this sub for a while, and the situation of every day life just seems bleaker and bleaker by the day and it terrifies me.
For personal context:
I’m about to enter college this fall for engineering. Im extremely stressed about balancing such an intense major, with my poor mental health and the bullshit that is late stage capitalism. I plan to move out of the country as soon as I obtain my degree.

Which brings the question:
How are people enduring this? Why is nothing being done?
It’s only a matter of time until shit hits the fan. I’m seriously surprised mass riots haven’t broken out already.
Everyone around me is so blind to it and it makes me want to scream. I’ve become such a bitter person and I’m only in my early 20’s.
I’m scared for my future and if I’ll even have one. It keeps me awake at night, and contemplating if going forward is even worth it sometimes..
What’s going to happen if this keeps escalating?

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