

Graduated in May. Certified and licensed. Moved to Florida, something I've wanted to do for years. Applying everywhere – tons of jobs in my field. Got only a couple of callbacks, interviews, and tons of rejections – from facilities “urgently hiring”. So, I figure I have decades of waiting tables, why not slip into that for a bit. On the FOURTH interview at this one restaurant, I sit with a very distracted manager for about 15 mins who decidedly dropped the bomb that they hired someone that morning for the job. What. The. Fudge. I spent 2 hours getting showered, dressed, driving, parking, and prepping for what I thought was going to be a “you're hired!” situation. Like, you perhaps could have called or something that morning? I really wanted to speak my mind, but I said nothing with wide eyes and just got up and walked out saying absolutely…

Graduated in May. Certified and licensed. Moved to Florida, something I've wanted to do for years. Applying everywhere – tons of jobs in my field. Got only a couple of callbacks, interviews, and tons of rejections – from facilities “urgently hiring”. So, I figure I have decades of waiting tables, why not slip into that for a bit. On the FOURTH interview at this one restaurant, I sit with a very distracted manager for about 15 mins who decidedly dropped the bomb that they hired someone that morning for the job. What. The. Fudge. I spent 2 hours getting showered, dressed, driving, parking, and prepping for what I thought was going to be a “you're hired!” situation. Like, you perhaps could have called or something that morning? I really wanted to speak my mind, but I said nothing with wide eyes and just got up and walked out saying absolutely nothing. Cried in my car for about 20 mins in the lot.

I'm starting to hate south Florida. People are so shallow and selfish here. One month in and I can't stand it. I can't find a job I just spent 3 years in school training for, and it's all for apparently nothing. I'm running out of money. I didn't eat yesterday or today. I think about using. I stood around the train tracks up the street for 2 hours last night thinking about how quickly I could just end it all. I'll be 50 next year and the only dream I got out of this life is to live in Florida. Guess that's the only one I'm going to get.

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