
How about background checks on employers?

How about background checks on employers? Such as their company's turnover rate, why their employees left, managers' and owners' behavior, and how they treat their employees. What complaints have employees filed against a business with the department of labor? The company's financial standing? How about the owner, chief operating officer, and local manager's personal background be open for a potential employee to see? Shouldn't employees know who they are potentially getting involved with just as much as the employer wants to know about the employee?

How about background checks on employers? Such as their company's turnover rate, why their employees left, managers' and owners' behavior, and how they treat their employees. What complaints have employees filed against a business with the department of labor? The company's financial standing? How about the owner, chief operating officer, and local manager's personal background be open for a potential employee to see? Shouldn't employees know who they are potentially getting involved with just as much as the employer wants to know about the employee?

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