
How being rich actually works.

As a business owner, I have a bit of insight into how the wealthy become wealthy. it isn't all hard work and sacrifice, nor is it all putting a specific value on one's time, nor is it all exploitation or devaluation of others' time. Step 1. Make an LLC, with a bank account for the LLC. Step 2. Pay yourself with a Trust that owns the LLC. The federal government requires a “Reasonable” Salary to be paid to yourself, anything beyond that is considered a non-taxable dividend. The government/IRS has a definition of what is reasonable salary, this usually maxes out at $80,000, but can be as much as $120,000 in some states. Step 3. Utilizing the trust, the LLC, or Both, purchase Assets that appreciate in value. these can be stocks, land, commodities, etc., the important thing is that the asset is owned by the LLC, the trust, or…

As a business owner, I have a bit of insight into how the wealthy become wealthy. it isn't all hard work and sacrifice, nor is it all putting a specific value on one's time, nor is it all exploitation or devaluation of others' time.

Step 1. Make an LLC, with a bank account for the LLC.

Step 2. Pay yourself with a Trust that owns the LLC. The federal government requires a “Reasonable” Salary to be paid to yourself, anything beyond that is considered a non-taxable dividend. The government/IRS has a definition of what is reasonable salary, this usually maxes out at $80,000, but can be as much as $120,000 in some states.

Step 3. Utilizing the trust, the LLC, or Both, purchase Assets that appreciate in value. these can be stocks, land, commodities, etc., the important thing is that the asset is owned by the LLC, the trust, or both.

Now, here's the kicker. There is absolutely, nothing, in any country, that prevents an individual from opening any of these things in separate countries. one could open an LLC in America, Using bank accounts in the caiman islands, Owned by a trust from Singapore, to conduct business in bumfuck Egypt. each country has their own tax rates and laws regarding privacy, and much like non-extradition countries, there's nothing to motivate these countries to work together to stop financially motivated travesties such as tax evasion.

Not to get political, but this is the kind of thing Trump was talking about when he said he wanted to bring business back to America. granted, his plan would not have worked, guys a dumbass.

My point is this. You want these millionaires, billionaires to pay their fair share of tax (Which as a business owner i can tell you they are paying upwards of 50% of their earned income because I did all of this, and that's what i had to pay) Laws must be implemented that prevent the wealthy from moving specific aspects of their business overseas. America has a tax on trusts, America has a tax on LLCs, America has a tax on capital gains and earned income, but as long as other countries can buy into American stocks and assets, they won't be subject to taxes.

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