
How binding is an employee contract?

This post may not be fitting but I do not have any other page to put it on in mind. I work for a company that guaranteed me 30 hours of pay per week in my employee contract. There has been no work at my job for the past two weeks and I heard that other employees were notified (via text/talk in person) that the 30 hours minimum was no longer a thing (even though we were not reissued a new contract or given a note of layoff/firing, etc.) so my first question is: does the contract, because no other employee contract was signed to amend the end of the 30 hour minimum, still stand? Also, in my case, not a single person in management informed me personally about the 30-hour minimum ending, it was not posted on any workgroup chat or anything for me therefore does my original contract…

This post may not be fitting but I do not have any other page to put it on in mind. I work for a company that guaranteed me 30 hours of pay per week in my employee contract. There has been no work at my job for the past two weeks and I heard that other employees were notified (via text/talk in person) that the 30 hours minimum was no longer a thing (even though we were not reissued a new contract or given a note of layoff/firing, etc.) so my first question is: does the contract, because no other employee contract was signed to amend the end of the 30 hour minimum, still stand?

Also, in my case, not a single person in management informed me personally about the 30-hour minimum ending, it was not posted on any workgroup chat or anything for me therefore does my original contract still stands as is? I was also not given a letter or informed of layoff.

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