
How can i emotionally support partner during this?

My partner started at a small tech co a year ago. Been great, however recently the fires his boss, another exec and a colleague. Two were fired via email and the other one was a slow, awkward process as they just started taking away access to programs, took the guy several days to catch on. Not sure how they will do it with my partner- he asked for a mtg with the bosses yesterday and after promising, they ghosted with no explanation. This obviously sucks so what can I do to help make this better? We agreed that quitting is letting them off too easy.

My partner started at a small tech co a year ago. Been great, however recently the fires his boss, another exec and a colleague. Two were fired via email and the other one was a slow, awkward process as they just started taking away access to programs, took the guy several days to catch on. Not sure how they will do it with my partner- he asked for a mtg with the bosses yesterday and after promising, they ghosted with no explanation. This obviously sucks so what can I do to help make this better? We agreed that quitting is letting them off too easy.

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