
How can I explain to my parents that I genuinely do not see a future for anyone in this country and my resultant pessimism?

For context, I'm 22 and living at home while I'm going to uni. So basically last night my parents demanded to know why I was unenthusiastic about my studies and why I seemed to be angry more than happy. I told them what was on my mind, how I did not want to participate in a system that would have all of us work for nothing until we die. How those in power are changing laws to turn us into obedient drones that will work our waking moments away. How despite technology advancing to impressive extents, we still get less time off work than medieval serfs. It seems what I said during my rant wasn't eloquent or thought out enough to convince them of anything except I'm crazy, because they then gave the typical older generation stories of how they came to the states with nothing and put themselves through…

For context, I'm 22 and living at home while I'm going to uni. So basically last night my parents demanded to know why I was unenthusiastic about my studies and why I seemed to be angry more than happy.

I told them what was on my mind, how I did not want to participate in a system that would have all of us work for nothing until we die. How those in power are changing laws to turn us into obedient drones that will work our waking moments away. How despite technology advancing to impressive extents, we still get less time off work than medieval serfs.

It seems what I said during my rant wasn't eloquent or thought out enough to convince them of anything except I'm crazy, because they then gave the typical older generation stories of how they came to the states with nothing and put themselves through uni while working only 40 hours a week. I asked if they were to start over now and do the same in our current world of insulting wages, exponential costs of living, and stupid high tuition, and they so confidently said yes it's possible. They even claimed those who graduated from high school with me and went straight to working retail or some other job would advance and start making almost 6 figures in 4 years (I know that's a crock of shit after a minute of using google).

They just do not understand why I feel like there's no future. Fortunately I know they are reasonable people and will change their views if I can convince them. Just how can I do it?

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