
How can people recommend just quitting so nonchalantly?

So, I have been on this Reddit for a while and I have an honest question. Often times people on here read stories from other people and their recommendation is always something like, and I quote “Quit! They don’t deserve you!” or “definitely quit, corporations have been using us for long enough.” I don’t know anyone that can afford to quit. They are working their jobs to literally survive. I really don’t think that losing you housing and starving are showing the corporations anything. They won’t hurt at all. Are the people making these comments just living off their parents or trust fund babies? That advice is totally unrealistic for most of us.

So, I have been on this Reddit for a while and I have an honest question. Often times people on here read stories from other people and their recommendation is always something like, and I quote “Quit! They don’t deserve you!” or “definitely quit, corporations have been using us for long enough.” I don’t know anyone that can afford to quit. They are working their jobs to literally survive. I really don’t think that losing you housing and starving are showing the corporations anything. They won’t hurt at all. Are the people making these comments just living off their parents or trust fund babies? That advice is totally unrealistic for most of us.

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