
How do I deal with being terminated with cause?

In November, I made a mistake that happened to be in violation of company policy, with the consequences including disciplinary action or termination. I was interviewed about the incident with corporate security in December, and never heard back so I thought that’s all there was. Got a promotion and a raise in January, so I thought everything was ok going forward. Monday morning i was returning from a vacation and was pulled aside by my manager saying that corporate had decided to terminate my employment effective immediately. I’ve worked here for 3 years during Covid and everything no writeups or anything, and i constantly crushed sales goals so i was very much caught by surprise, but I do live in an at-will employment state. I have already updated my resume and started applying in the area, but what is the best way to deal the fact that I’ve been terminated…

In November, I made a mistake that happened to be in violation of company policy, with the consequences including disciplinary action or termination. I was interviewed about the incident with corporate security in December, and never heard back so I thought that’s all there was. Got a promotion and a raise in January, so I thought everything was ok going forward. Monday morning i was returning from a vacation and was pulled aside by my manager saying that corporate had decided to terminate my employment effective immediately. I’ve worked here for 3 years during Covid and everything no writeups or anything, and i constantly crushed sales goals so i was very much caught by surprise, but I do live in an at-will employment state.

I have already updated my resume and started applying in the area, but what is the best way to deal the fact that I’ve been terminated from my most recent job, both in applications and possible interview questions going forward?

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