
how do i get my boss to understand

i work for a credit union. i have been having this argument with my manager since i was hired a few months ago, only as a part time employee. i work full time elsewhere, and this job is simply to supplement my income. within the first week, my manager was asking why i wasn’t “ready for the first member” by 8:30 AM, when my schedule starts. i am aware that they cannot ask me to come in earlier than i am scheduled for, as i won’t get paid if i count my drawer from 8:25-8:30, since it’s “not on my schedule”, even though the manager has explicitly told me (verbally) that i MUST be ready AT 8:30. not counting my drawer, not setting up for the day, but 100% done with all of that and ready. additionally, i leave at 11:30AM every day to get to my full time job…

i work for a credit union. i have been having this argument with my manager since i was hired a few months ago, only as a part time employee. i work full time elsewhere, and this job is simply to supplement my income.

within the first week, my manager was asking why i wasn’t “ready for the first member” by 8:30 AM, when my schedule starts. i am aware that they cannot ask me to come in earlier than i am scheduled for, as i won’t get paid if i count my drawer from 8:25-8:30, since it’s “not on my schedule”, even though the manager has explicitly told me (verbally) that i MUST be ready AT 8:30. not counting my drawer, not setting up for the day, but 100% done with all of that and ready.

additionally, i leave at 11:30AM every day to get to my full time job by noon. i was approached today, after beginning my drawer count at 11:25AM, just like every other day, to finish up and clock out. my manager told me, much like when i clock in, i have to wait until 11:30 hits on the clock, and THEN i can count my drawer, and finish up my tasks. how about no? i literally won’t get paid from 11:30-11:35, because it’s not scheduled and the manager manually approves all time submissions every week, for us (the tellers). besides saying “what you’re asking of me is illegal”, how else can i approach this? i’m tired of having this conversation every day and it going nowhere

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