
How do I not get drunk or high everyday after work? How do you do it?

I’m in one of those positions where the pay is good but the work is slowly making me want to commit arson or become a dedicated alcoholic. I work 6 AM-2:30 PM and I’m a natural night owl, and my cats a fat annoying fuck, and I’m a light ass sleeper. I’m alone 99% of the time except when I step out of my room to grab coffee or deliver some mail to the UPS gal whom I love and appreciate ten fold for being so nice to me. The loneliness and boredom is deafening. My daily vibes are coffee shits and paper cuts because for some reason my role comes equipped with printing loads upon loads of fucking grocery labels every goddamn day. I barely do any IT work and this shit is not making me more marketable to jump up at all. I have no friends in my…

I’m in one of those positions where the pay is good but the work is slowly making me want to commit arson or become a dedicated alcoholic.

I work 6 AM-2:30 PM and I’m a natural night owl, and my cats a fat annoying fuck, and I’m a light ass sleeper.

I’m alone 99% of the time except when I step out of my room to grab coffee or deliver some mail to the UPS gal whom I love and appreciate ten fold for being so nice to me. The loneliness and boredom is deafening.

My daily vibes are coffee shits and paper cuts because for some reason my role comes equipped with printing loads upon loads of fucking grocery labels every goddamn day. I barely do any IT work and this shit is not making me more marketable to jump up at all.

I have no friends in my community besides my soon to be finance and cat.

Everyone is so fucking old compared to me.

I’m in this contract role for another TWO MONTHS. Im studying for IT certs and watching Netflix like a madmen at work to keep me preoccupied/hopeful about life (last season of Ozark is a shitfest.)

I don’t mean for this to be a vent. Literally HOW do you not drink or smoke after work everyday. 40 hours a week feels like I’m wasting my life. All I can think about lately (or spend time on) is how to move up from here. And that feels a long ways away. Losing passion for my hobbies, constant boredom, etc. what do you guys do damn

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