
How do I Quit in my First Week? Nightmare Situation

I just finished my second day at my corporate finance 9-5 gig. It's a nightmare. Bait and switch. Not what I signed up to do. I showed up on my first day at 8:30am (nobody told me when to show up- I had someone say 8:30 and someone else tell me 9am), and someone threw up next to me in the bathroom in a room full of empty stalls. Got on my shoes. I literally ran out the restroom, traumatized, only to have to shake my director's hand immediately after I left the restroom, my hands still wet. Ruined my appetite the rest of the day. I couldn't eat lunch, still traumatized (I have emetophobia). The head manager noticed this at lunch, snorted and said “What- you don't eat or something???” Imagine if I had anorexia. I spent the rest of my first day watching OSHA videos with people in…

I just finished my second day at my corporate finance 9-5 gig. It's a nightmare. Bait and switch. Not what I signed up to do.

I showed up on my first day at 8:30am (nobody told me when to show up- I had someone say 8:30 and someone else tell me 9am), and someone threw up next to me in the bathroom in a room full of empty stalls. Got on my shoes. I literally ran out the restroom, traumatized, only to have to shake my director's hand immediately after I left the restroom, my hands still wet. Ruined my appetite the rest of the day. I couldn't eat lunch, still traumatized (I have emetophobia). The head manager noticed this at lunch, snorted and said “What- you don't eat or something???” Imagine if I had anorexia.

I spent the rest of my first day watching OSHA videos with people in other departments who were also starting yesterday. Torture. No morale. Finally was released at 5:30pm after being ushered briefly to say hi to the finance team. Met the person I would be working under. Terrible first day, tour of the building was so depressing and I felt nauseous taking in the smells and the outdated walls/rugs, whole thing gave me major dread. It's a gigantic corporation at one of the oldest locations and the office is located in an old building that smells terribly, there's no natural sunlight and the environment makes me so depressed. The commute is terrible too.

Fast-forward to today- I decide to give it one more day because I'm not a quitter and despite the horrendous vibes yesterday I decided to give it another shot. Who knows- maybe I could stick it out for a few months? No. I get there, and the person who was supposed to be training me today didn't show up to work today. It was a surprise to the supervisor, because nobody knew she wasn't coming in. So my supervisor logs me into the computer, gives me a list of training videos, and taps out for the day. Never spoke to her again the entire morning nor afternoon. So here I am sitting in an office with a hours of mindless modules to sift through. To make it worse, the modules are tutorial trainings on archaic technology used in the early 2000's. Imagine that- a major corporation using extremely outdated technology to the point that I, a bright eyed and bushy tailed college grad, don't even want to work there. My computer is from 2007, the software is as old as me. Cut to lunch break, and everyone went down to the cafe as I escaped to the bathroom. I pretended I'd meet them down there but I left the building instead, contemplating walking out on the spot. I didn't- it's unprofessional, but then again, I don't think I'm getting paid for this when I don't show up tomorrow. I finished the list of modules around 3…. Early…. My bosses and the rest of the team were in a meeting, and gave me no further direction. i sat for an hour twiddling my thumbs on my phone, once again contemplating walking out. I walked up to the payroll guy, who was watching videos on his phone, and asked him, “When are they out of the meeting? I finished my tasks.” He goes, “Idk…. Enjoy the time off.” Lmfao. Then I overhear coworker conversations about how they hate their jobs and want it to be Friday. What a depressing environment. Nobody said boo to me all day. What a terrible work day.

I don't have the desire to give it another day because the software is SO untenable and archaic. I was trained in college with modern computer software- this isn't that.

To top it off, I'm on probationary period for 90 days and have no benefits until then. I have no vacation PTO for a full year of my employment and after my first year, the hours accrued aren't good.

There was nothing I did in the office today that couldn't have been done at home, remotely, given a work computer. I regret the 10 hours I lost to mind-numbing menial tasks, training to do remedial busybody work. I hate that this is the norm in society. I'm not built for a 9-5. I can't understand why all jobs aren't hybrid anymore… I would literally rather be unemployed than work for shit wages losing my freaking mind in an office cell.

How do I quit respectfully via email?

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