
How do I quit without looking bad?

Since graduating college, I got a job at a call center working full-time. Since I’m working at a bank, we basically have three months of “training.” The first month is actual training where we read and listen to lectures, and the second and third month is mainly us taking calls with customers but having help from our supervisors when needed. We have just finished our offical three months of training and I’m about to transition into working with my new team, but I do not like this new manager. I haven’t even worked with him yet, and he’s already messaging me and complaining about how I need to have calls that are under 300 seconds, how I should take time after work is over to shadow another employee so my calls are shorter, and how I don’t respond to his messages fast enough (but I’m not allowed to go off…

Since graduating college, I got a job at a call center working full-time. Since I’m working at a bank, we basically have three months of “training.” The first month is actual training where we read and listen to lectures, and the second and third month is mainly us taking calls with customers but having help from our supervisors when needed.

We have just finished our offical three months of training and I’m about to transition into working with my new team, but I do not like this new manager. I haven’t even worked with him yet, and he’s already messaging me and complaining about how I need to have calls that are under 300 seconds, how I should take time after work is over to shadow another employee so my calls are shorter, and how I don’t respond to his messages fast enough (but I’m not allowed to go off calls for the entire day, so unless I spend my 30 minute unpaid break replying to his emails and messages, I won’t be able to answer him until the end of day or maybe every hour or so.) He says I can’t take time after a call to respond to him either, I immediately need to take another call or else it’s recorded (we have only 20 seconds or less to leave notes and etc after calls before we have to take another call). We are ranked publicly in order so we can see who is the worst and who is the best with their handle times, so I literally do not have time to read his emails and respond to him or else I look bad.

I’m worried about how he’s going to be when I go to the bathroom. If he’s going to question what I was doing or telling me my personal time has amounted to more than 10 minutes for the entire day. I really despise this micromanaging, which was already really bad in training, but I can tell will be even worse with this guy.

I really want to quit before I start with him on Monday, but I’m afraid they will think I used them for training. I don’t feel like I used them as I was taking calls for most of training but the timing seems coincidental. What should I do and say? Should I give two weeks notice? I’m also only paid $2 more than minimum wage and I live in the most expensive city in North America (Canada), so my entire wage per month is not enough to even cover a studio apartment.

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