
How do I stop thinking about work when I’m not there?

Just like the title says. I’m an assistant golf professional (assistant manager) of a lower level golf course. I’m a recent college drop out, and took this job because I’d worked in the golf industry before and enjoyed the semi relaxed pace, and wanted to have time to work on some of my more personal passions that I hope to turn into a career some point soon. But, in order to support myself, I progressively took on more responsibility in order to make more money, and have now accepted a promotion to assistant manger. Which is fine, but in all honestly I could give a fuck about the policies that they’re trying to enforce, and am really looking to just get through each workday without being annoyed too much. I want to get to a point where as soon as I leave the building, I can put it all behind…

Just like the title says. I’m an assistant golf professional (assistant manager) of a lower level golf course. I’m a recent college drop out, and took this job because I’d worked in the golf industry before and enjoyed the semi relaxed pace, and wanted to have time to work on some of my more personal passions that I hope to turn into a career some point soon.

But, in order to support myself, I progressively took on more responsibility in order to make more money, and have now accepted a promotion to assistant manger. Which is fine, but in all honestly I could give a fuck about the policies that they’re trying to enforce, and am really looking to just get through each workday without being annoyed too much.

I want to get to a point where as soon as I leave the building, I can put it all behind me and go work on the stuff that actually means something to me, but I find that if I look at one work email I’m thrown into that world again and am unable to put enough energy into my hobbies and projects. I’m terrified I’m going to become trapped in this job if I don’t learn how to compartmentalize.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

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