
How do I totally delete a Google Document?

I plan on leaving my job as early as tomorrow. A few months ago I took the time to type out a series of guides for some of the software we use so that new employees had a reference to work with. I took pride with this project and went way above and beyond. My manager basically relies on these guides and myself to train the new people. The programs I'm working might as well be mandarin to my manager. So I would like to leave her as high and dry as possible. The guides are saved on my work gmail which my manager never bothered to get the password to. If I highlight the document there is an option to “remove” but will that remove it from her drive as well? I could also just highlight all the content in the document and delete that but there are ways…

I plan on leaving my job as early as tomorrow. A few months ago I took the time to type out a series of guides for some of the software we use so that new employees had a reference to work with. I took pride with this project and went way above and beyond. My manager basically relies on these guides and myself to train the new people. The programs I'm working might as well be mandarin to my manager. So I would like to leave her as high and dry as possible. The guides are saved on my work gmail which my manager never bothered to get the password to. If I highlight the document there is an option to “remove” but will that remove it from her drive as well? I could also just highlight all the content in the document and delete that but there are ways to access documents after each edit, although her giving a new hire a link to a blank document for “training” is the most hilarious option.

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