
How do people afford to not work?

First, this is not some “pull yourself up by your bootstraps kiddo” post. It’s not a post bashing those on gov assistance either. I’m genuinely curious how I can live out a life of art, hobbies, and general happiness and never set foot in my workplace again. I’m a nurse and I HATE it. I regret spending half of my 20s attaining the fucking degree and I hate how much I spent on it. I’m currently working toward a bachelors then nurse practitioner degree because I need the money, not because I want to. I hate clocking in. I hate the horrible working conditions and bullshit pay. I hate the expectations to drop what I’m doing at the snap of my boss’s finger to come in. I hate the stress this job puts on me and how much it has aged me physically. Obviously being a nurse pays more than…

First, this is not some “pull yourself up by your bootstraps kiddo” post. It’s not a post bashing those on gov assistance either.

I’m genuinely curious how I can live out a life of art, hobbies, and general happiness and never set foot in my workplace again.

I’m a nurse and I HATE it. I regret spending half of my 20s attaining the fucking degree and I hate how much I spent on it.

I’m currently working toward a bachelors then nurse practitioner degree because I need the money, not because I want to.

I hate clocking in. I hate the horrible working conditions and bullshit pay. I hate the expectations to drop what I’m doing at the snap of my boss’s finger to come in. I hate the stress this job puts on me and how much it has aged me physically. Obviously being a nurse pays more than being a cashier, but if being a cashier paid more, I’d be fine doing that the rest of my life.

I’d prefer though not to work in general. My full potential will never be met when it is suppressed by the constant need to show up and perform. This is not me, and I hate it. Id love to plant flowers, farm, bake, paint, and spend time with my family all day. I will never get to do this and it crushes my soul.

So this leads me to the question in my title, how do people live without a job?? How do people find the money to enjoy it? I need a way (a legal way) out of this.

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