I have been unemployed for quite a while now and it is honestly the best I have felt in a long while outside of societal pressure to work that is.
I used to work full time and I didnt hate my work or workplace and I got along well enough with my co-workers. My main issue is that work just takes up your entire existance. I would just get up early in the morning feeling tired regardless of if I slept well or not, eat breakfast half asleep, drive to work and change clothes and all that jazz, go through my day and when I get home I'd be too tired to do anything I enjoy so I'd just go to bed and either wake up in the evening/night feeling anxious about soon having to be at work again or just straight up sleep until the next work day.
Any weekends of time off was spent just trying to recover enough energy to get through the next work week again. It got to the point where I would just break down crying in bed every day after coming home from work because I felt like I had no control over my own life and just felt like a rat in a wheel.
I live in a country where I could potentially receive disability aid enough to cover basic housing and food costs but not much else if I somehow managed to convince health care I am either physically or mentally unwell enough to prevent me from working. Honestly seems like my best bet at this point.
I have no clue how I am supposed to go through life like this