
How do people think the next 50 years is gonna go?

I'm super curious to see what people imagine is going to happen over the next 50 or so years. And I mean realistically, not what you'd like to happen. No one could have predicted even the last 5 years so this might be a futile endeavour but I'm interested anyway. Water/food shortages, the wealth gap, the climate crisis, rising tensions between global superpowers, and much, much more. Pretty much all worsened (if not, straight up started) by a ruling class of ultra wealthy elites that have no regard for human life and care only about expanding their wealth and influence at the cost of virtually everything else. At what point does serious action take place? Occupying these peoples homes, refusing to vote, refusing to work, looting these monolithic businesses. I keep being told that it's always been like this but it feels like it's gone into overdrive the last decade…

I'm super curious to see what people imagine is going to happen over the next 50 or so years. And I mean realistically, not what you'd like to happen. No one could have predicted even the last 5 years so this might be a futile endeavour but I'm interested anyway.

Water/food shortages, the wealth gap, the climate crisis, rising tensions between global superpowers, and much, much more. Pretty much all worsened (if not, straight up started) by a ruling class of ultra wealthy elites that have no regard for human life and care only about expanding their wealth and influence at the cost of virtually everything else.

At what point does serious action take place? Occupying these peoples homes, refusing to vote, refusing to work, looting these monolithic businesses. I keep being told that it's always been like this but it feels like it's gone into overdrive the last decade or so and discontent and anger is growing rapidly.

So what do we feel is a realistic projection of the next few decades? Because the path we are on is simply unsustainable.

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