
How do y’all do it?

How is anyone actually surviving right now? I make $13 an hour (almost double minimum wage, should be great, right?), pay $300 all included rent because I live on property at work, I eat one pizza a day, never eat out, have no car/insurance/phone bill or really any other expenses, and I'm still almost unable to form any meaningful form of savings. I've been at this for a little over a year now saving absolutely everything I can, and I've still only saved a little under 4k. How is anyone meant to accomplish anything meaningful like this? Own a home? Go on vacation? Are we just supposed to accept the scraps and be happy with our bare minimum, sometimes not even that? I realize that I'm in an incredibly privileged situation in comparison to a lot of others, and even so with extra sacrifices on top of that, it feels…

How is anyone actually surviving right now?

I make $13 an hour (almost double minimum wage, should be great, right?), pay $300 all included rent because I live on property at work, I eat one pizza a day, never eat out, have no car/insurance/phone bill or really any other expenses, and I'm still almost unable to form any meaningful form of savings.

I've been at this for a little over a year now saving absolutely everything I can, and I've still only saved a little under 4k.

How is anyone meant to accomplish anything meaningful like this? Own a home? Go on vacation?

Are we just supposed to accept the scraps and be happy with our bare minimum, sometimes not even that?

I realize that I'm in an incredibly privileged situation in comparison to a lot of others, and even so with extra sacrifices on top of that, it feels like an uphill battle in a rainstorm… So how the hell do y'all do it?

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