
How do you all cope after a bad day? I.e. really shitty customer experience

I'm just a part time cashier on minimum wage and although I like my job because the actual job itself doesn't cause me stress, I find it really hard to let go of the horrible customers you inevitably get each day. I have so few hours and yet when I am in, there is just always at least 3-5 people each shift that enrage or upset me. And I don't know how to let these experiences go. I don't want to turn bitter or dread going into work because I like that I just do one thing my whole shift, if people could just be nice I'd be happy but it's seriously getting to me.

I'm just a part time cashier on minimum wage and although I like my job because the actual job itself doesn't cause me stress, I find it really hard to let go of the horrible customers you inevitably get each day.
I have so few hours and yet when I am in, there is just always at least 3-5 people each shift that enrage or upset me. And I don't know how to let these experiences go. I don't want to turn bitter or dread going into work because I like that I just do one thing my whole shift, if people could just be nice I'd be happy but it's seriously getting to me.

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