
How do you “call in”?

I'm not doing well mentally and I could really use a day off. I've never called in before and I don't know what to say. My workplace usually guilt trips or shames staff who call in before their shift so I'm really nervous about calling in. I know that taking a day of because I'm depressed might make me sound like a “Karen” to some people but I don't want to show up when I'm not at my best. My birthday was yesterday and I spent it alone because I'm no contact with my mother and I have no friends in the city that I live in. I'm feeling really down and I need a day to get myself together. What do I say when I call in? How can I avoid the guilt trip that will 100% take place when I call in? They will most likely talk about…

I'm not doing well mentally and I could really use a day off.

I've never called in before and I don't know what to say.

My workplace usually guilt trips or shames staff who call in before their shift so I'm really nervous about calling in.

I know that taking a day of because I'm depressed might make me sound like a “Karen” to some people but I don't want to show up when I'm not at my best.

My birthday was yesterday and I spent it alone because I'm no contact with my mother and I have no friends in the city that I live in. I'm feeling really down and I need a day to get myself together.

What do I say when I call in? How can I avoid the guilt trip that will 100% take place when I call in? They will most likely talk about me behind my back.

My boss will bring up the fact that we are short staffed (high turnover) and I'm “letting the team down” by not showing up to my shift. Or she will say its my responsibility to find someone to cover my shift.

Any advice would be appreciated. I'm a chronic people pleaser but I'm realizing that its impacting my mental health. I want to able to call in, say my piece, hang up without feeling guilty.

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