
How do you feel about different minimum wages for different industries?

We are having an argument at work about how CNAs aren’t paid enough. (We don’t even use them where I currently work.) Fast food wages were brought up as they pay better. We are in New York State — not the city. Minimum wage is $13.20 across all jobs except fast food, which starts at $15. My coworkers don’t feel like fast food workers deserve a higher minimum wage. I’m torn because while they do deserve it, so does everyone else and I don’t really understand why the other industries didn’t have to increase their minimum wage as well. This isn’t anything new though, it’s been around for a while now. Thoughts?

We are having an argument at work about how CNAs aren’t paid enough. (We don’t even use them where I currently work.) Fast food wages were brought up as they pay better. We are in New York State — not the city. Minimum wage is $13.20 across all jobs except fast food, which starts at $15. My coworkers don’t feel like fast food workers deserve a higher minimum wage. I’m torn because while they do deserve it, so does everyone else and I don’t really understand why the other industries didn’t have to increase their minimum wage as well. This isn’t anything new though, it’s been around for a while now. Thoughts?

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