
How do you feel about recruiters cold calling?

I just posted a rant about my current employer and just found out my Manger is cold calling candidates and i’m thinking that they are going to start making us cold call candidates. i haven’t cold called candidates since i worked at some scum bag agency and am very off putted by googles new initiatives with this. i’m 32 and i don’t appreciate random calls from people. Feels like you’re being ambushed to me at least and would never work with a recruiter who cold calls me. Feels like spam and super invasive. Email me and I will decide if i want to speak to you, don’t try to fucking force it. Is this how everyone else feels? edit: this is if you have applied to a company anytime ever (so they have all your info on file) and not currently in process or have applied to anything.

I just posted a rant about my current employer and just found out my Manger is cold calling candidates and i’m thinking that they are going to start making us cold call candidates.

i haven’t cold called candidates since i worked at some scum bag agency and am very off putted by googles new initiatives with this.

i’m 32 and i don’t appreciate random calls from people. Feels like you’re being ambushed to me at least and would never work with a recruiter who cold calls me. Feels like spam and super invasive. Email me and I will decide if i want to speak to you, don’t try to fucking force it.

Is this how everyone else feels?

edit: this is if you have applied to a company anytime ever (so they have all your info on file) and not currently in process or have applied to anything.

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