Just frustrated today because I’ve been working in healthcare for nearly 7+ years now and had previously worked in education before getting a different degree. Im in an entry level position yet again because that’s all I do. I flip to another when when offered more pay than before after a few years. This seems to be the only way to actually get a decent raise anymore. I have a masters degree and it honestly doesn’t seem to matter.
I am a creative thinker and always trying to help and work hard at my job. Hell I’ve been the top performer in my department for a year now and been running engagement and meeting people. Ive joined resource groups, hosted meetings, and joined extra work programs that don’t pay anymore. Just was turned down for a management position for someone who has been working at current company two years but that’s their only experience since graduating. Also they are a maybe slightly average performer but always meets the goals.
No problem with that just wonder why I wasn’t picked. They said I don’t have the knowledge level they need about the company? I didn’t take a test on our company for the interview. It was all people who don’t know me making a judgement call. They didn’t even ask me about critical knowledge needed at the company. I’ve worked hard to learn everything for a potential future job within the company. Spent extra time learning as much as I could. I’ve even talked to people in that role about the job for advice.
Now I just want to start just meeting the goals and not doing anything extra. Just go to work do the job and go home. Why am I working so hard if nothing actually pays off?
If they called my previously employment they would also give me a good review. I loved my old boss. I was given managerial duties at my last job but it wasn’t in the title or included in the pay. I don’t mind working but I just want the opportunity for advancement and more pay. I know people will be like well you aren’t working hard enough, but I feel I’m worked to death and constantly trying to improve. I feel ready for the next step but no one will take me.
Short version:
I’m frustrated after not getting managerial role to someone with less experience. I feel like my company is only hiring from within and people they know personally. I have applied to other managerial positions outside this company but they want 5 years managerial experience and won’t even interview me.