
How do you guys reconcile the provision of what you view as human rights with antiwork?

This is a serious question, I want to understand practically how you see this working out. On this sub I frequently see things that require the provision of labor referred to as being “human rights.” This includes things like healthcare, utilities, internet, housing, etc. These services don’t just exist by themselves in a vacuum. If a significant amount of healthcare providers agreed with the general views of this sub and decided not to work, how can healthcare be provided as a right? If a healthcare provider feels pressured to work, are they oppressed? If they choose not to work, are those in need of healthcare services oppressed?

This is a serious question, I want to understand practically how you see this working out.

On this sub I frequently see things that require the provision of labor referred to as being “human rights.” This includes things like healthcare, utilities, internet, housing, etc.

These services don’t just exist by themselves in a vacuum. If a significant amount of healthcare providers agreed with the general views of this sub and decided not to work, how can healthcare be provided as a right?

If a healthcare provider feels pressured to work, are they oppressed?
If they choose not to work, are those in need of healthcare services oppressed?

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