
How do you lot manage to survive working in USA?

Everything I read is just awful working there. How do you manage to wake up and do it every day? Your average pay to cost of living is extortionate. Minimum wage is, what, $7.25? Compared to the house of properties, that is awful. Your maternity leave is non existent. How is that a thing? Your care packages for insurance bankrupts people (healthcare being a business is a massive red flag moment). Sick leave – Again, doesn't exist in some states. Remarkable stuff if long term illness hits you. Annual leave – A few days isn't it? European nations get a month approximately a year. I don't know, it just sounds like a really bad rat race where very few win

Everything I read is just awful working there. How do you manage to wake up and do it every day?

Your average pay to cost of living is extortionate. Minimum wage is, what, $7.25? Compared to the house of properties, that is awful.

Your maternity leave is non existent. How is that a thing?

Your care packages for insurance bankrupts people (healthcare being a business is a massive red flag moment).

Sick leave – Again, doesn't exist in some states. Remarkable stuff if long term illness hits you.

Annual leave – A few days isn't it? European nations get a month approximately a year.

I don't know, it just sounds like a really bad rat race where very few win

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